Monday, July 20, 2015

What is Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome?

The big question for many women (and curious men) : What is PCOS? And also, what can effect it?
I provided a link in my first post - if you click the first "PCOS" you will find the Google Search with many articles and a short summary as to what it is. But here is some of the breakdown.

*Disclaimer: I am NOT a medical professional. I only researched the following information.

First of all, what does PCOS stand for?

Polycystic Ovarian (Ovary) Syndrome

A female hormonal imbalance that can cause the following symptoms:

  • Cysts on the Ovaries (untreated CAN cause Ovarian cancer)
  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles
  • High Testosterone Levels plus Male symptoms such as
    • Male Pattern Baldness/Hair loss
    • Acne
    • Facial/Unwanted hair growth (hirsutism)
    • Stop ovulating
  • Weight Gain/Hard to lose
  • Insulin Resistance (body produces too much insulin that the body can not absorb), which can lead to Type 2 diabetes
  • Fertility problems
  • Depression

Sound familiar? See your DR if you have any symptoms or concerns.

Many DRs think they are taking the easy route to regulate our menstrual cycle by putting us on the Pill or some type of birth control. But in all actuality birth control - especially the Pill - gives you a fake period. Obviously because you don't ovulate while on the Pill, you also do not lose your lining naturally.

Many other drugs and supplements have been prescribed to many women - too many to name and many I have never heard of. I was on the Pill at 13-14 years old. Metformin around 17, but I didn't stay on any medication for very long.

I have read several articles about supplements that can aid PCOS symptoms. Articles leading to information about being vitamin deficient (magnesium, B vitamin, calcium/D vitamin - for example).

Cutting caffeine, cutting carbs, adding Omega-3, Cinnamon, B-Complex (B vitamins), magnesium, Calcium/D vitamin and some others have been linked to help PCOS, or rather the Insulin Resistance part of it.
* * I tried linking an article search for each so that you can pick which article you'd like to read first!

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