Monday, July 13, 2015

My Journey

** 08/01/2015 Edit: This BLOG is more geared towards my PCOS Journey, what I plan on doing for treatment in the future, information/articles that I find, my thoughts and feelings, recipes that are Low Carb and fit my new lifestyle. It is called PCOS Mommy because I have PCOS and I am a Mommy.

I do, however, have another blog that is more Mommy/Baby related. You can find it here, or in my Blog List to the side. There you will find Mommy Recomendations, Mommy DIY ideas, Mommy Recipes (more Child friendly) and more to come!

This may be a long post, but bear with me..

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 13 or 14, via blood test. But many of the symptoms were pretty obvious. I was experiencing irregular periods, hirsutism, high testosterone, insulin resistance..I can't remember what my ovaries looked like, but I had just about every symptom they knew about at the time.

I remember being put on Metformin and the Pill at one point. Stopped taking everything because it just wasn't right for me.

I was told I would have a very hard time having kids ever, if at all. And it definitely affected my dating choices. Fast forward to about 20 and if I had kids or didn't have kids, I was okay with either.

22 years old and I was a little more regular with cycles. I had them monthly for a few months. About as regular as it got for me. A few months on, a few months off. Some lasted weeks. Some lasted a few days to a week. Pretty much always SUPER heavy flow. To the point that SUPER PLUS wasn't even cutting it.

In August/September of 2012 I began a cycle. I missed in November 2012, but didn't thing much of it. I thought I was going back to my "normal" on-again, off-again. January 2013 I had the most painful bloody experience I ever had up until that point. I honestly wasn't sure if I had a miscarriage or not. I was pretty sick for a while and bled heavy for the whole length of time (couple weeks).

After that episode, though, I had a period until June 2013. I didn't have any sign the whole month. Although a few months prior, I was experiencing other symptoms I never did before and during a cycle. The same kinds of symptoms that are very similar to pregnancy symptoms. Around this time I was taking a multi-vitamin (gummy) and eating more Low Carb. I lost about 11 pounds and a few inches around my waist. Then no period in June had me testing like crazy. I bought several pregnancy tests and tested the last 10 days or so in the month. With PCOS it is hard to determine when your "missed period" might be, so testing is always hit and miss. I was not Trying To Conceive, so I wasn't seeing any specialist or DR. But if I didn't get a period then I was going to see a DR any way.

July 1st 2013, I took my last digital test and it was positive! I only had one incident during pregnancy that worried me. I was about 7 weeks along and started bleeding at work. No cramps, but the blood worried me. I remember drinking several energy drinks BEFORE I got the positive test. So the WHOLE first month I drank several caffeinated drinks. The sac was peeling away, barely hanging onto the wall where it needed to stay attached. There was a 50/50 shot. My cervix was closed and my daughter is now 16 months old. She is so much more than a blessing, she is my little miracle.

From all of that negative discouragement, came positive. And I am looking for more positive in this journey.
I haven't been Low Carb in a while. I haven't taken anything to keep any of the PCOS under control.
What I have been doing recently is research. I have been reading articles and finding out what hinders and helps insulin resistance. I've been taking notes about what vitamins to look into taking, what foods to eat and drinks to cut out.

There are SO many factors that can cause and effect this unfeminine "disease" that plagues me. It haunts me some days. I feel so, gross sometimes. But I pull through each day.

I have a plan. Goals. But it will take time and discipline to stay focused and on the right track.
I will write other posts discussing my plan and the benefits of those that I've researched.
Also, what is PCOS?

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