Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Real Talk Goals

I'm sure that somewhere, on some blog that I started ages ago or recently, I have posted some variation of the phrase "I'm a terrible blogger".

I always lead myself on with good intentions. It starts out with just a few blog posts here and there. Then I lose motivation and creativity. At some point in my absence I'm sure I've had a few ideas that I never wrote down or wished that I was back into writing again.

It's been a while since I last wrote on this blog. I have since started another one recently about my wanting to go Natural. But my wanting to go Natural has a PCOS tie in as well. It mainly has a lot to do with feminine products and the symptoms that I've been having that just haven't been letting up. (yes, I really need to make a DR's appointment)

Part of my reason for wanting to go Natural was the fact that I'm tired of certain products. I want to find less irritating and natural alternatives that can also save some money (who doesn't like to save?).

It will be a long process. Income is limited right now and I can only do a few things at a time. I can't just go out and buy all of the ingredients or products and report back.
I will more than likely express my ideas and post links to pages I found to be inspiring. I hope to report back with my own version and feedback/review on how something worked (or didn't) for me.

I need something to get into and I always thought blogging was the way I'd go. I'd be able to add in a little bit of photography here and there (another interest of mine). I've had a few things hold me back. Life definitely does happen and it is something we can't always control. I've tried using a tablet to write posts on, but I'm limited and can't seem to let my thoughts flow freely using a touchscreen.

We recently got a laptop and that's what I've been using (happy dance). I've been able to do a lot of brainstorming since having this new freedom.

I feel like this post is a little all over the place, but I'm just keeping it real. The Real Talk tab is where I want to keep any posts that are a little bit more down to earth about certain lady issues and life stuff. I may refer to posts on my other blog(s). I have a few because..for whatever reason it makes me seem a little bit more organized. Maybe it looks a bit chaotic instead, but so far it works for me!

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